Gaborone from the top of Kgale Hill

Monday, January 24, 2011

January 7th, 2011

Fever, aches, and chills. I feel exhausted, and spent most of the day resting. I was unable to stomach a breakfast of chicken livers.  I don't think I have fully recovered from the jet lag. We haven't had much time to rest since our arrival.

The second part of our orientation today was very inspiring. The speakers spoke of Botswana as a haven for peace, community, understanding, and education. They briefly mentioned some of Botswana's history and its desire to create a university in a time of conflict in southern Africa. They talked about our importance to the university as students as well, which was both refreshing and motivating. They talked about learning as much from us as we would from them. They also discussed our development as people extending outside of the classroom and books into facets of the community. They encouraged us to become involved in community service, arguing it is just as important as going to class. I really want to do as much community service as possible during my time here.

I met my roommate today. She seems shy, but nice. She is from Francistown. She left shortly after filling out the paperwork, however. She says she will return next week after she receives her stipend from the government.

I befriended a local named Unami today. She wants to take me to her village. I am very excited by the prospect.

I organized a soccer game with a group of international students this evening as well after purchasing a ball. We hope to make it a daily activity.

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